Fading Steam

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Fading Steam

Featuring regular service steam operation in 20 countries, Fading Steam comes from the cameras of Malcolm Holdsworth, one of a trio of lifelong Australian friends, who have impressed international railway enthusiasts with their previous offerings, Heavy Metal & the Famous Last Lines series.

In this solo effort, Malcolm takes readers on a 40-year trip from the dawning of steam on his personal radar in 1968 in New South Wales, via a first taste of international steam in a barely tamed Southern Africa, through a baby boomer's high noon in the lush fields of Europe, to a gentle afternoon ramble in Asia. In parallel with its real world subject matter, the book reaches its dusk in the frozen, arid wastes of winter at the bottom end of South America and in China.

The narrative provides an insight into the ups & downs of a lifetime spent chasing steam. operating high points are hit on the South African & German railway systems of the mid-1970s. Scenery abounds on some lines, while asthmatic wrecks clunk along on other pages. Steam's domain is life in microcosm.

Nearly as much a tribute to mateship in adversity as to the subject matter, this book is an excellent read! And the photos aren't half bad either!

176 pages - Size 290mm x 265mm - Hard Cover - Over 300 colour photos with captions

Price - UK£29.95 / Eur37.45 / USD40.45 plus P&P

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Postage and packaging add UK£3.85 in the UK. Add UK£14.90/Eur18.60/USD20.15 Air to Europe/Surface elsewhere  

Air mail rates are available upon request

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